Friday, March 18, 2011


i love this photo.
it was taken years ago by the gotham gal when we were vacationing
in hualtuco, mexico with our families.
this photo is vintage sammy but it pretty much sums up how i think both sam and zoe feel right this very minute---
we're free, at last!!!
it's been a long, long winter.
hopefully we've seen the worst of it but ya never know.
it's officially spring break and even i feel relieved.
we are taking off for california on monday where we plan on looking at a couple of schools.
hopefully the sun will also be out and we can catch up on some much needed vitamin D.
We go from there to deer valley to ski and then on to Chicago to look at a couple of more schools.
i am not sure how much i will blog.
i'd love to just disconnect for a couple of weeks and relax.
see you april 4.

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