Tuesday, November 30, 2010

just add milk...

we did an insane amount of baking for thanksgiving.
chocolate chip cookies, chocolate biscotti, pistachio cookies and pie.
this chocolate cake that my daughter zoe and i made seemed to be a big hit.
we got the recipe out of this month's issue of food&wine.
the cake is really moist and not too sweet but the frosting is really what makes it great.
this was a really fun one to bake.
now, i just need to figure out how to make the 0-calorie version of this thing.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

i've hit the wall...

it's official...i can't eat another thing.
it's been a total food fest since wednesday.
and of course thursday, thanksgiving, was out of control.
i was so happy when my daughter nixed chinese food tonight for a salad with grilled chicken.
tomorrow night...air and water.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

girls rule...

Go For Everything from /DEPARTMENT on Vimeo.

maybe because i have two teenage girls.
maybe because i'm a girl.
maybe because girls are just super cool.
but i really like this.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

family, etc...

my family is coming in for the holidays...nice.
i sincerely appreciate the effort...traveling now really is so unpleasant.
lucky for sam and zoe, they will have all of their grandparents at our thanksgiving table.
as well as aunts, uncle larry and cousins. lots of cousins.
i didn't grow-up with a lot of family around so i'm not really good at this stuff.
i always get a little crazy and tend to roll my eyes a lot.
my sister-in-law recently reminded me that i also don't like people in the kitchen...true.
hopefully this year i will be more mature than in years past (but probably not).
i guess there's always a glass of wine. or two.

happy thanksgiving...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

life is just soooo busy...

there just aren't enough hours in the day.
so frustrating.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

i should be cooking and/or baking...

i just watched one of my daughters and her friends go to the opening of harry potter.
so cute.
they got really into it.
hopefully i'll post some pics tomorrow.
thanksgiving is around the corner.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

happy thanksgiving...

yikes, thanksgiving is around the corner.
lucky me to be in the grocery store as they were making way for all the birds.
my vegetarian days are long gone but i have to say this is still hard for me.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

falling for fall.

i'm not really a nature-y kind of person but leaves that turn orange and yellow are just cool.
i love fall.